.csv files

.db files

.dbc files

.dbf files

.html files

.mdb files

.SCH files

.udl files

.wj2 files

.wk1 files

.xls files

.xlsb files

.xlsm files

.xlsx files

.xml files

64-bit vs 32-bit

about Database Tour

ACCDB files

accepting files from Windows Explorer

action file

actions before printing object

Adaptive Server Anywhere

adding fields to the table


aggregate functions

Aggregation Range (report object property)

Align Horizontally (report object property)

Align to Container (report object property)

Align Vertically (report object property)

alternate row color

arithmetic operations with numeric fields

associating files with Database Tour

asynchronous query execution

Author (report object property)

Auto Sizing (report object property)

Auto Stretching (report object property)


auto-detection of BLOB data

automatic filling field values

automatic generation of command lines

automatic generation of connection strings


auto-sizing a column's width

available functions

available types of databases

average value of the field

Background Color (report object property)

Band object

Batch changing field values

batch text operations

BDE aliases

BDE configuration

BDE language drivers

begin transaction

beginning work with Database Tour

binary form of the report template


BLOBs auto-detection


Boolean data editing

Brush (report object property)

CDATA attribute in XML export

Center (report object property)

Changed By (report object property)


changing case of symbols

Checkbox object

Checked (report object property)

Clear Margins (report object property)

clearing data of selected field


   copying full data set to

   copying graphic images

   copying selected column to

   copying selected records to

   pasting data from

closing database

column definitions file

Column Space (report object property)

Columns (report object property)

command line generation

command line parameters

command line usage

commit interval

commit work

Condition FALSE (report object property)

Condition TRUE (report object property)

conditional formatting

conditional highlighting

configuring BDE aliases


connection string builder

connection strings


copying BDE aliases

copying current record

copying data to clipboard

copying files into Database Tour

copying graphic images

copying tables

creating BDE aliases

creating command lines

creating Database Tour shortcuts

creating databases

creating indexes

creating primary key

creating reports

creating schema for text table

creating tables

CSV files

current BDE settings

current column

current field

current record

current row

customizing data view

data exporting performance

Data Source (report object property)

Data Source object

data source types

Data Type (report object property)

data view






Database Checkbox object

database driver

Database Field (report object property)

database grids

database history

Database Image object

database jobs

database links

database objects

database objects' descriptions

database structure

database structure tree

Database Text object

Database Tour editions

database types

database users

DB files

DB2 databases

dBase encoding

dBase export

dBase files

dBase version

DBC files

DBF files

DBML format

DDL expressions

decrypting files

deleting BDE aliases

deleting fields

deleting indexes

deleting tables

demo databases

demo reports

Description (report object property)

descriptions of some error messages

different ways of creating tables

Display Mask (report object property)

Document Title (report object property)

dragging files

dropping tables

dropping views

Duplex Mode (report object property)

duplicating field values

duplicating tables

dynamic expressions

dynamic variables in report expressions

editable queries

editing data

editing field structure


emptying tables

encrypting and decrypting files from command line

encrypting files

ending transactions

Engine Version (report object property)

error messages


example of .bat file

example of using template


   .bat file

   connection strings




   schema files

   typical tasks solutions

examples of ADO connection strings

examples of schema files

executing queries via command line

expanding row heights in grids

export all tables

export by ADO SQL

export data from command line

export data to custom format

export data to CSV

export data to databases

export data to dBase

export data to Excel

export data to HTML

export data to JSON

export data to PDF

export data to RTF

export data to SQL script

export data to SYLK

export data to Word

export data to XML

export error handling

export formats

export mode

export options

export record range

export selected tables

export step number

exporting data

exporting data from command line

exporting average datasets

exporting large datasets

exporting report to file

exporting to DBML

Expression (report object property)

expression engine

expression examples

expression functions

Expression object


expressions in reports

external tables

field mappings

field mappings file

field names completion (SQL editor)







file associations

File Icon object

File Image object

File Name (Object property)

File Text object

Filter (report object property)

filter examples

filter options

filtering data

filtering objects

Firebird databases

Font (report object property)

Force New Page (report object property)

foreign servers

foreign tables

foreign keys

Format (report object property)

FoxPro files

Frame (report object property)

freezing columns



global variables

graphic fields

graphic images



   loading from file



   saving to file

Grouping Expression (report object property)

grouping in reports

Height (report object property)

heterogeneous joins in queries

Hide Zeros (report object property)

hiding columns

Highlight Background Color (report object property)

Highlight Condition (report object property)

Highlight Font (report object property)

history of changes

hot keys

how to register

how to start

HTML encoding

HTML export

HTML files

HTML template

Hypelink (report object property)

Icon Index (report object property)

Image object

import options

importing data

importing files

improving data exporting performance

incrementing field values






Ingres databases

initial SQL text

installing ADO

Interbase databases

interface language

interface settings


ISAM drivers


key features

Label object

language drivers (BDE)

Left (report object property)

limit the number of records to export

live data window

'live' queries

loading column definitions from file

loading graphic images into database

log of performed operations

logging export process

logical operators

logical sorting

Lotus files

macros in queries

main window shortcut keystrokes

managing PostgreSQL cron jobs

Margins (report object property)

master source for queries

matching fields when exporting data

mathematical functions

MDB files

means of the application



   loading contents from file

   printing contents

   saving contents to file

memory saving mode


Microsoft Access 2007+ databases

Microsoft Access databases

Microsoft Excel 2007+ workbooks (.xlsx; .xlsb; .xlsm)

Microsoft Excel workbooks (.xls)

migrating application to another machine

modifying table

mouse wheel features

multi-table exporting

multiple record view

MySQL databases

Name (object property)

new features

Number of copies (report object property)

numeric data formatting

Object Browser

OLE fields

On First Page (report object property)

On Last Page (report object property)

On Print (report object property)

open target (from command line)

open target (from GUI)

opening a database from command line

opening a report template

opening Adaptive Server Anywhere databases

opening CSV files

opening database

opening DB2 databases

opening dBase (DBF) files

opening files

opening files from command line

opening Firebird databases

opening folders with database files

opening FoxPro (DBF) files

opening HTML files

opening Informix databases

opening Ingres databases

opening Interbase databases

opening Lotus (WJ2; WK1) files

opening Microsoft Access 2007+ databases

opening Microsoft Access databases

opening Microsoft Excel 2007+ workbooks (.xlsx; .xlsb; .xlsm)

opening Microsoft Excel workbooks (.xls)

opening MySQL databases

opening Oracle databases

opening Paradox (DB) files

opening Pervasive PSQL databases

opening PostgreSQL databases

opening SQL Server databases

opening SQLBase databases

opening Sybase databases

opening table

opening text files

opening UDL files

opening Visual FoxPro databases (.dbc)

opening XML files


Oracle databases


Orientation (report object property)

output formats

output options

overwrite prompt

packing tables

Page object

Paper Size (report object property)

Paper Source (report object property)

Paradox files

parameterized queries

parameters of command line


password protected databases

passwords for Paradox tables

pasting cells from clipboard

PDF format

Pen (report object property)

performing batch operations with text fields from command line

performing BDE utilities from command line

Pervasive PSQL databases

physical sorting

Picture (report object property)

PostgreSQL databases

predefined parameters

pricing and discounts

Printer (report object property)

printing contents of graphic fields

printing data

printing database structure

printing of current record

printing table

printing table structure



   editing resulting data


   loading SQL text

   printing SQL text

   saving resulting data

   saving SQL text

querying several databases

quick search

reconnect as another user

Records per Page (report object property)

referential integrity

refreshing table

registered databases


removing saved database passwords

renaming BDE aliases

renaming fields

renaming tables

reopening database

replacing text


   adding objects

   aligning of selected objects

   autoexpanding the text objects

   autosize of the text objects


   borders of the objects

   column width



   export to file



   grouping records

   moving objects

   multicolumn reports




   printing expressions

   printing graphics

   printing text

   printing totals


   rearrangement of columns

   removing objects

   resizing objects

   saving template to file


   text alignment

   text objects

   text orientation

   transparency of the text objects

   undo last action

   word wrapping

report builder

report file

Report object

report template

report warnings

Reportizer Viewer

resizing fields

restoring previously deleted records

restoring SQL windows


RTF fields

rules for expressions

rules for field names

running Database Tour from command line

saving column definitions to file

saving graphic images to file

saving report template

schema files


search for database objects

searching for fields or indexes

searching tables

searching text

Select Printer (report object property)

selected tables

selecting column range to export

selecting group of records

selecting record range to export



setting data of the field to incremental number

setting the same value to all records of the field

Shape (report object property)

Shape object

shortcut keystrokes

silent mode

single record view

Sort Order (report object property)

sorting data

special requirements

specification of the command line

SQL Anywhere

SQL completion

SQL dialect

SQL dumps

SQL editor settings

SQL editor shortcut keystrokes

SQL editor syntax highlighting options

SQL history

SQL macros

SQL scripts

SQL Server databases

SQL statements

SQL statistics

SQL syntax highlighting

SQL templates

SQL terminator

SQLBase databases

SQLite tools

statistical functions

status line

stored procedures

Stretch (report object property)

stretch picture size

Stretch to Align Bottoms (report object property)

string functions

structure tree


sum of the field

switches of command line

switches of the command line

Sybase databases

synchronizing data between databases

system requirements

system tables


   copying to clipboard




   editing data

   fixing columns

   freezing columns

   importing data to




   viewing data

   viewing structure

table mappings

table mappings file

table structure

target database type

Text (report object property)

text export schema

text files

text form of the report template

Text Offset (report object property)

Text Orientation Angle (report object property)

text tables

Top (report object property)

transaction isolation level


Transparent (report object property)


trimming strings

typical tasks solutions

UDL files

using bookmarks

using SQL for creating tables

using template

version history


view settings

viewing data

Visible (report object property)

Visual FoxPro databases (.dbc)

ways of opening databases

whats new

Width (report object property)

WJ2 files

WK1 files

Word Wrapping (report object property)

working with command line

working with current column

working with current field

working with current record

working with current row


writing a command line

XLS export

XLS files

XLSB files

XLSM files

XLSX files

XML encoding

XML files

XML import

XML schema

XSL schema