Open a table or SQL query result. For table, switch to Data page.

Let's print the dataset adding totals: sum of PAYMENT_SUM column and count of all records.

Solution 1: Exporting Data

You can export data to some common formats like HTML, Excel, PDF. For these formats, Database Tour supports adding totals. Please see the detailed example for exporting data to HTML. After exporting, open the created file in your browser and print it.

Solution 2: Using Report Builder

This solution is available in Database Tour Pro only.

  1. Click Report Builder button.
  2. Mark with check Totals band in Report Tree window to make it visible.
  3. Place Expression object on this band under the PAYMENT_SUM column. In Object Inspector window, locate Expression property, and invoke the Expression Editor by clicking button '...'. In the editor, type dataset_sum(1, 0, 'PAYMENT_SUM') formula. Then click OK.
  4. Place another Expression object somewhere on the Totals band. In Object Inspector window, locate Expression property, and invoke the Expression Editor by clicking button '...'. In the editor, type dataset_row_count(1, 0) formula. Then click OK.
  5. Add other expressions if you need.
  6. Click Preview.
  7. In Preview window, click Print, select needed options and click OK.

See also