REM This example shows how Database Tour Pro can export data
REM from one table or query to another table.
REM You can use any part of this example to create your
REM own command file(s).
REM Set Database Tour Pro folder as current directory
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Vitaliy Levchenko\Database Tour Pro 11"
REM Exporting data
REM Step 1: Export data from table Orders from MS Access
REM database, specified by ODBC DSN TestDSN,
REM to dBase file c:\MyData\Exported.dbf
REM If c:\MyData\Exported.dbf already exists, it is overwritten
start /w dbtour.exe /silent /export /SrcDBInterface=ado /SrcDB=TestDSN /SrcTableName=orders /TrgDB=c:\MyData /TrgTableName=exported.dbf /LogFile=c:\MyData\dbt.log
REM Step 2: Export data, specified by SELECT query in file
REM C:\MyData\SelectData.sql, to already existing file
REM c:\MyData\Exported.dbf
REM Using /append option will cause appending new
REM records without deleting existing ones
REM Note that appending records should have the structure,
REM which is compatible with structure of destination
start /w dbtour.exe /silent /export /ExportMode=APPEND /SrcDBInterface=ado /SrcDB=TestDSN /SrcSQLFile=C:\MyData\SelectData.sql /TrgDB=c:\MyData /TrgTableName=exported.dbf /LogFile=c:\MyData\dbt.log /AppendLog
REM Encrypting the created file
start /w dbtour.exe /silent /encrypt /SrcFile=c:\MyData\Exported.dbf /TrgFile=c:\MyData\Encrypted.dat
REM Finally, open the created table
dbtour.exe c:\MyData\Exported.dbf
Див. також